
Phone: 262.375.1107
Fax: 866.719.7977

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Historical Society

Throughout its 160 years, the B&O Railroad enjoyed a rich and varied corporate life. It was America's first common carrier railroad and survived to become one of the world's oldest railroad companies through a combination of skill, foresight, and ingenuity and along the way acquired a secure place in the cultural and economic history of the United States.

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Historical Society exists to help assemble, interpret and share that history. The B&O, like railroading everywhere, touched virtually all areas of American life. This diversity is reflected in the Society: members' interest range from motive power and railroad architecture to modeling and artifact collecting. Most importantly, the Society provides a forum for the exchange of information and news, the publication of original research, and for members to simply get to know each other. The fellowship of common interest and the opportunities for mutual assistance are two of the Society's greatest assets.


P.O. Box 24225
United States