Amazon Forever! (till the next thing...)

I grew up with models and model building. Plastic models in phases: planes, tanks, ships, cars... and trains. Skipping those pesky high school years, I returned to model railroading in college. Eventually this morphed into the avocation of brass models which I enjoy to this day. Since I have been a business owner for over 25 years, the interaction of buying and selling is a strong part of my hobby interest. I am hoping to keep this going strong for a long time, even into retirement, which is still a few years away. To do that, I do need to make sure the bills get paid. So I will be adding a bit of advertising to the site. Nothing to elaborate, just to tools that might help a bit.
To start, I have joined the Associates Program of I do use Amazon a bit and it provides a very nice resource, both for model railroad related materials, and for other general life purposes. All I ask is that, if you are looking purchase something online, and you are going to use Amazon, please consider going through the search box here. If you do use this access, and purchase something, Amazon will be kind enough to drop a few nickels in my basket, and that would be greatly appreciated.