Research Materials For Your Modeling

When you have been a railroad hobbiest for some time, you accumulate quite a bit of material. Stacks of kits, modeling supplies and tools are supplemented with sets of research materials such as books and magazines. Eventually it is time to clean up the shop, reorganize, and move along those things that no longer serve your needs. We are please to be a direct resource for those involved in the fine scale world of brass models, buying and consigning those unwanted pieces and collections. Here we are doing a bit of our own housekeeping. The railroad community is well served by a strong and dedicated group of historical societies, each with its staff of experts, writers, modelers and technologists. We have several sets of magazines which are not primary to our needs. While interesting and entertaining to review, it is time for them to move on and provide their support to a new owner. So far, we have inventoried the publications for C&NW, C&O and NKP. These are not comprehensive sets, but there are quite a few issues in each collection, which we are looking to sell in toto. If you are interested in these, please send an email or give us a telephone call.