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Latest Additions

EMD E units from Union Terminal 2017


Union Terminal has delivered the latest production batch of EMD E7-E9 diesel engines in HO scale. These latest groupings include engines from Southern Pacific and Burlington Northern.   Due to a late cancelation, we have several of each of these prototypes still available.


Early 2-8-8-2s from Coach Yard - Pickup Notice


Coach Yard has sent the pickup notice for the Early 2-8-8-2 steam engines in HO scale. The prototype was originally designed in 1908 by Baldwin for SP which became the MC-1 class. Difficulties with snowsheds lead to the cab forward design of the MC-2 and later classes. This project includes the MC classes (SP, OR&N, UP), AC-2/3s (SP) and Y-1 (N&W).

Models are now in stock!  Pictures are now available from several engines.


GN W-1 Electrics - HO scale - PSC


Pick up notices have been received from Precision Scale for the Great Northern W-1 Electrics in HO scale. Although few in number on the prototype, these were exceptional work horses for Great Northern. This project provides for several varieties and combinations, as well as additional heater cars, including one for Western Pacific.

Models have been delivered.  The sets are sold out, but a couple of units are still available.


Baldwin 2-6-6-2T Tank engines - GPM - O scale


First delivered over the summer of 2016, BPL is pleased to have available several of the Baldwin 2-6-6-2T Tank engine in O scale. These were produced by Glacier Park Models and encapsulate all of the quality and refinement you would expect. Check the listing for additional information and photos of these fine models.


Milw Road Boxcabs from PSC


The first batch of boxcab electrics for Milw Road have been delivered by Precision Scale. There are a variety of models inthe project, with versions in 2, 3 and 4 unit sets, as well as a handful of single units for you to assemble your specific consist.   The listings show which models are still available and we have the only remaining streamlined units for your purchase.

Update 2/9/2017:  We have received the second half of the project.  We have a number of models in stock, PSC is now sold out.


Shays - Lima Pacific Coast


Pacific Coast Shays in HO have been delivered by Glacier Park Models.  These 3 cylinder engines provided decades of service, with the Klickitat unit scheduled for a restoration.  You can find a bit more history on this one of a kind engine here.


Art Deco Boxcars


American Scale Models has brought in a unique boxcar project. These cars were built with a one of kind art deco stamped end panel and utilized Creco doors. C&O purchased 100 of these, numbered 5400-5499, from General American Transportation Corp. in 1937. A number of these later ended up with B&O.


NYC Commodore Vanderbilt


Now in stock at BPL are two versions of the elegant NYC engine, Commodore Vanderbilt by Precision Scale.  This unique engine was an early part of the 1930s effort to streamline and bring more style to the world of passenger transportation.  You can find a bit more history on this one of a kind engine here.


Orange Blossom / Treasure Island 2015-Dec


This holiday season brings two additional heavyweight trains from The Coach Yard:

SALOBSDH.jpgFor eastern fans, the Orange Blossom Special, operated by Seaboard Airline, is available. (Most cars are now sold out 1/26/2016)

SPTISDH.jpgFor those interested in the western part of the US, the Treasure Island, a joint C&NW, SP, UP train is at hand.


AT&SF 1946 Grand Canyon


The beauty of the heavyweight era is well represented in the 1946 Grand Canyon train, recently delivered by The Coach Yard.  This Santa Fe train set can be yours, along with a variety of individual cars in the project.